Monday, March 12, 2007

I Am a Cartomancer

It's one secret that I have. I have been into cartomancy since ten years ago. My affinity for paper has naturally led me to this form of divination. I have read for several people, and I have had positive feedback. My favorite deck, and the one that I am using right now, is the Universal Waite deck. I also have the Vision tarot, which works in tandem with the Universal Waite when I do Tarot for Two.

Below is the major arcana of the Rider-Waite deck. (The Universal Waite has a more depth- and shade-oriented pencil coloring.) My favorite cards are The Lovers VI (union), Death XIII (rebirth), The Tower XVI (abrupt end [sometimes of illusion]), The Sun XIX (happiness), and Judgement XX (end of all, justice).

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