Friday, March 02, 2007

All Apologies

I sincerely apologize for not posting as much as before. I've been randown with the demands of my boss who wants me to do them all at the same time (so what's new?) Anyway, I've been updating most of my friends of news about me, sadly there are none of late.

I sincerely apologize to Mugen and Ennui. I know I've been bugging you with "mysterious" questions about you know what. I hope you understand that I'm still trying to get a feel of what's been happening lately, since most of it's been sadly a repeat of mistakes I've done before. I don't want to assume, I don't want to be disappointed, I don't want to act when it will just hurt in the end, especially not right now. But I promise that in time, I will be able to tell you all the whole story of this sortie.

Most of all, I sincerely apologize to everyone I've unintentionally left out. Those who are waiting for me to listen to their issues and help them analyze and eventually find a solution to it. I'll fix my concerns first, then I will get back to you.

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