Tuesday, January 17, 2006

I Brought Home A Guy Last Night

And he was my bestfriend. Kayo ha.

Actually he was there by the invitaion of my sister, who's got a lot of work for him.

We are also finalizing their plan of opening up a botique, and those of you reading this, if you guys need a something for formal gatherings like balls, parties, etc., message me and I'll refer you to him.

So right now we're looking for an apartment which is accessible to traffic and clients, preferably two storeys. The upper floor would be our living quarters. If you have information, please send me a message: r3dguy@gmail.com.


ennui said...

Hmm ... I'm still waiting for the OTHER story you have to tell me

Kiss My Mike said...

okay so i want this guy's balls! j/k.

hey good luck on your move. it'll be fun, trust me.

hey im a leo too. okay so we can be BFFs but we need to exchange friendship bracelets and we need to draft rules like we can't date the same guy or something! hehe.

r3dguy said...

.jeff-reiji: yeah thanks. i've linked you for some time now.

.ennui: what OTHER story? :P

.kiss my mike: draft rules? ha ha ha. i'd probably break all of them in a single day. joking! ok nice to have a new friend.