Friday, September 16, 2005

Catch Me If You Can

Reminiscent of the film starring Leonardo diCaprio, I feel as if I've been missing in action for a very long while. Well, admittedly, I'm stuck inside my sister's house. Though I don't necessarily like it there, I am taking into consideration the proximity of their place to the office. Imagine spending between 15 and 35 pesos a day, to and fro. That's a big savings of 30 pesos a day. ( Yes, I'm a fucking miser ... who the hell cares?)
I think I have shown the value of my frugality here at the office. I have had delivered a new computer for only Php 17,000, and they thought that it was over 30 K. I got the stamp of approval from our Vice President for Finance. I'm on the road to the top, thenafter, the complete domination of the world! (Insert demonic laugh here.)
In three days my sister would be arriving back from the U.S. Hay, there goes my three weeks of freedom and remorselessness.
Talked to Monja last night.
Lastly, it's JD's capping ceremony today. I think it's in the afternoon. Then it's his birthday on Sunday. Haven't heard from him since last night. He had probably dozed off. I won't be sending him any messages not until tonight.
Damn, I need a new phone.


ennui said...

there's nothing wrong with ur phone now. i actually think it fits u coz it's small and lightweight and very corporate. true it doesn't have the latest technology and stuff, but it serves its purpose up until u feel u are indeed ready to spend thousands on something with a camera and radio in it.

by the way, i had a wonderful time smoking and talking with u in the mall with Eric Santos singing in the background. Hahahaha

r3dguy said...

.augh. that erik santos thing was so .... eww.