Pr'amo sejchas, ya hochu sdelat' mnogo veschej, no ya ne znayu, gde nachat'. YA hochu napisat' snova, no kogda ya prihozhu domoj i ne ovladevayu ruchkoj i bumagoj ... nichto. YA tol'ko ustavils'a na chistuyu bumagu. YA dazhe ne chitayu ochen' po sravneniyu s prezhde, potomu chto tak ili inache ya chuvstvuyu, chto net nikakogo boleye interesnogo zagovora, chto ya mogu zacepit's'a. Romany fantazii rabotayut to zhe samoye: nekotoryj neizvestnyj paren' poluchayet volshebnuyu vesch', i on dolzhen ispol'zovat'/razrushat' eto, chtoby ekonomit' mir, yada yada yada. YA ne l'ubl'u chitat' filosofskiye romany, s exeption politicheskih kommentariyev i "Alhimik". Imenno poetomu ya idu dl'a istoricheskih romanov, potomu chto po krajnej mere oni imeyut real'no-mirovoye osnovaniye. Hot'a "Russka" - tak ili inache iskl'ucheniye iz-za plohogo soobscheniya istorii. YA hotel by chitat' Koran, vse zhe. Pr'amo sejchas ya imeyu Erodotasa "persidskiye vojny".
(Right now, I want to do a lot of things, but I don't know where to start. I want to write again, but when I come home and get hold of a pen and paper ... nothing. I just stare at the blank paper. I don't even read much compared to before, because somehow I feel there's no more interesting plot that I can get hooked on. Fantasy novels work the same: some unknown guy gets a magical thing, and he needs to use/destroy it to save the world, yada yada yada. I don't like to read philosophical novels, with the exeption of political commentaries and the "The Alchemist". That is why I go for historical novels because at least they have a real-world basis. Although "Russka" is somehow an exception because of the bad story telling. I would love to read the Koran, though. Right now I've got Herodotus' "The Persian Wars". )
YA hotel by imet' bystryj igrayuschij komp''uter vysshego kachestva pr'amo sejchas. YA uvlekals'a "Civilizaciyej 3". I ya hotel by igrat' "Faraona" i "Kleopatru" snova.
I'd love to have a super fast gaming computer right now. I'm addicted to "Civilization 3". And I'd love to play "Pharaoh" and "Cleopatra" again.
YA chuvstvuyu, chto ya - polnyj vyrodok. CHto trahaniye yavl'ayets'a voprosom so mnoj?
I feel like I'm a total geek. What the fuck is the matter with me?
[As I'm writing this, Jaydee's nefarious "Plastic Dreams" is playing.]
YA l'ubl'u slushat' radio, poka ya ne zasnul noch''u, hot'a ya ne imeyu radio okolo moyej krovati.
I like to listen to the radio until I fall asleep at night, though I don't have a radio near my bed.
Mne stol' nadoyedayut s moyej zhizn''u pr'amo sejchas.
I'm so bored with my life right now.
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.test. posting as anonymous. - r3dguy
.test. posting as anonymous. - r3dguy
haaayy ... let's be bored together hahaha
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